December 26, 2017No Comments

EMILY. January 14, 2013/ Posted By : Nic/ 0 comments / Under : Art , Fashion , Friends My very dear friend Emily from New York spent a day with me durin


My very dear friend Emily from New York spent a day with me during her family ski trip to Park City. I met her 5 years ago in Australia where we were both doing a study abroad. Ever since then we have visited each other a handful of times and have become closer over the years thanks to e-mail. She got her degree in jewelry from Pratt University and worked for a major jewelry designer in the city. We both tend to come to each other for advice and opinions related to the art world – lately about becoming a freelancer. Recently Emily took the plunge to focus on her own designs and I thought it would be good motivation to surprise her with some letterpress cards.

The Indian chief is an amazing engraving that I’ve had for nearly three years and have been trying to find an excuse to print it. I handset the text, purposely, without contact information. I can imagine her being really suave and handing her card off after writing on the back her contact preference. Her name is set with 18pt Acme Style Script and her title is set with 8pt Centenary on 220lb Pearl Lettra with black soy-based ink and Gold Chrome edge painting. Photo is also styled with one of her necklace designs that I’ve had for 3 years. I get so many compliments on it whenever I wear it. Emily is graciously offering this necklace at wholesale price when you contact her at House 112 and tell her you saw this blog post.

I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!


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